Awaiting Tomorrow

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Scene Play
1.1 - Not This Again!
1.2 - The Things Left Behind
1.3 - These Democrats...
1.4 - A Couple of Good Smokes
1.5 - Mood
1.6 - Mariette's Jitters
1.7 - Revision
1.8 - Lights Out
2.1 - So Stay With Us
2.2 - The Misfortunate Mug
2.3 - A Dollar for Your Thoughts
2.4 - Links
2.5 - Is it the Tattoos?
2.6 - On Sound Isolation
2.7 - You Would Be Disappointed
2.8 - Not As It Seems
2.9 - Good Parents
2.10 - What Happened to You?
3.1 - The Cookies Are Done
3.2 - The Same Direction